P resented here, for your enjoyment, is a magical and musical virtual Audio tour of the Happiest Place on Earth, both past and present. From this comprehensive collection of rare Audio recordings, the stay at home listener is granted their very own 'E' Ticket to adventures that recreate the ambiance and simulate the you-are-there sensation of an actual trip to the park. Just close your eyes and let your mind run free. It won't be hard to imagine you are really inside the Magic Kingdom for an exciting day at Disneyland, the place where dreams really do come true... 22 - MASCOT


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1 - Carnation Plaza Gardens  04:01


For decades, at the end of Main Street off the central hub of Disneyland stood a colorful bandstand known as the Carnation Plaza Gardens. Since it premiered in 1956, it played host to some of the greatest Swing and Big Band orchestras of all time. In 1957 it would become the focal point venue of the highly successful Date Nite promotional events.
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2 - Date Nite with the Elliott Brothers - The Plaza Gardens  37:46


The Elliot Brothers Orchestra and singer Tony Paris were the original regulars at the Carnation Plaza Gardens bandstand, a popular night spot where guests were always encouraged to join in and dance. The repertoire of The Elliot Brothers included swing, rock n roll, and a lively rendition of the traditional Mexican dance: the La Raspa.
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- Tomorrowland Bandstand -


Another popular date nite dancing spot during Disneyland's first decade was the bandstand adjacent to the 20K Leagues Under the Sea exhibit in Tomorrowland. Many legendary Big Bands from the golden age of swing music made frequent guest appearances here, including the orchestras of such greats as Benny Goodman, Count Basie, Les Brown, Lionel Hampton, Woody Herman and Duke Ellington.
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3 - Benny Goodman & His Orchestra  20:08
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4 - Count Basie & His Orchestra  34:49
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5 - Les Brown & His Band of Renown  37:09
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6 - Lionel Hampton & His Orchestra  1:00:47
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7 - Tex Beneke with Ray Eberle & The Modernaires  33:24
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8 - Harry James & His Orchestra  40:14
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9 - The Wayne King Orchestra  31:49
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10 - Duke Ellington & His Orchestra  47:53
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11 - Stan Kenton & His Orchestra  41:12
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12 - Woody Herman & His Orchestra  35:01
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13 - Legendary Jazz Singers in Disneyland  43:28
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14 - Cavalcade of Big Bands  1:05:44
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- Dixieland in Disneyland -


A highly anticipated annual event held in Disneyland after dark throughout the 1960's was the Dixieland in Disneyland music festival located along the Rivers of America. In addition to fantastic guest stars such as Teddy Buckner, Louis Armstrong and the Dukes of Dixieland, there were regular acts including Disneyland's own Strawhatters, The Young Men from New Orleans and the famous Firehouse Five Plus Two.
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15 - Dixieland in Disneyland: Special Guest Stars  1:20:12
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16 - The Strawhatters  42:28
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17 - The Firehouse Five Plus Two  1:00:28
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18 - Kid Ory & The Young Men from New Orleans  36:05
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19 - Louis Armstrong  58:55
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20 - Teddy Buckner  50:21
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21 - The Albert McNeil Choir  40:39
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22 - The Dukes of Dixieland  56:53
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23 - Sweet Emma Barrett  51:28
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- Disneyland A-Go-Go -


From the mid to late 1960's, Disneyland hosted a recurring rotation of bubblegum style rock n' roll groups, drawn from local talent. These groups performed nightly at both the Plaza Gardens and the Space Bar in Tomorrowland during peak seasons. Then in 1967, the Tomorrowland Terrace became the new hot spot for night time dancing. Here go-go dancers flanked the stage as young guests danced along to the latest in pop sounds.
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24 - Annette Funicallo and Bobby Rydell  04:17
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25 - Kay Bell & The Spacemen  09:18
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26 - The Astronauts  25:23
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27 - Tina & the Mustangs  09:53
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28 - Tanya & The Thunderbirds  04:51
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29 - Tomorrowland Terrace - Pop Pourri  43:45
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30 - The Sound Castle Ltd.  14:49
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31 - The New Establishment  18:34
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32 - Better Half  18:48
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33 - Entertainment Committee  18:33
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34 - Cement Gravel and Rock Co.  17:01
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- Fantasyland Theatre -


The original Fantasyland included a large indoor theater where cartoons from Disney's classic film library were shown on a constant rotation. Often in the evenings, this stage would feature live music with top level performing artists. During the mid 60's, there were two weekly concerts presented here in an ongoing series. Humdinger presented the latest in pop sounds, and Hootenanny capitalized on the current folk music revival.
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35 - Humdinger!  1:20:24
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36 - Hootenanny!  60:00
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- The Tomorrowland Stage -


In 1967, a large amphitheater premiered as a predominant feature of Disneyland's all new Tomorrowland. This venue soon began presenting nightly concerts featuring the very best in big name entertainment. In 1972 the stage was remodeled as part of a new concert series called The Great American Music Machine, featuring a "Top Ten of the Week" musical montage, exploding jukebox and special guest performer every night.
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37 - The Kids of the Kingdom  32:38
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38 - On Stage USA  1:10:09
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39 - Rock n' Roll Reunion  17:13
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40 - The Great American Music Machine  1:23:35
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41 - The Great Rock Circus  1:14:33
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- The Legends of Country in Disneyland -


In 1966, Disneyland began a weekly concert series called, Country Music Jubilee, a major showcase for some of the greatest stars in country music who were invited to perform a live program of down home music. It became a huge draw for local guests lasting well into the 1980's. Beginning in 1971, an annual after-hours party called, Country Music Spectacular, had country entertainment throughout the entire park.
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42 - Country Music Jubilee  1:48:48
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43 - Country Music Spectacular  1:03:38
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44 - Danny Davis & the Nashville Brass  34:20
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45 - More Legends of Country in Disneyland  1:09:27
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- Tomorrowland After Dark -


Throughout the 1970's, on any given night in Tomorrowland, one could expect to see the very best in live entertainment. This included dance bands such as Papa Doo Run Run, an immensely popular Beach Boys cover band, and live concerts at the Space Stage. Of the featured performers here, perhaps the most unique was a group known as Halyx, a hard rock band inspired by the sci-fi look of Star Wars and Battlestar Galactica.
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46 - Pizzazz  17:44
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47 - Friendship Train  17:05
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48 - Sunshine Balloon  12:47
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49 - Grupo Tabasco  20:40
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50 - The Space Stage - Space Age Disco Concert  1:47:50
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51 - Disneyland Disco Dance Party  1:51:39
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52 - The Space Stage - Meco  55:42
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53 - The Space Stage - Voyage  19:33
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54 - Papa Doo Run Run  38:18
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55 - Michael Iceberg - The Amazing Iceberg Machine  37:00
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56 - The Space Stage - Halyx  12:58
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- Rollin' River Revue - Featured Performers -


Rollin' River Revue was a 1981 outdoor concert series presented on Tom Sawyer Island and viewed by guests positioned along the banks of the Rivers of America. Each weekly presentation had a special musical theme unique to that evening's performance. Week one was 60's surf music, followed by swing, country, jazz, Latin, pop, and bluegrass. The show was then extended with a weekly guest star throughout the rest of the summer.
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57 - Surfn' 60's Week  12:06
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58 - Swing Week  25:46
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59 - Country Week  20:00
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60 - Jazz Week  36:19
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61 - Latin Week  26:09
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62 - Pop Week  18:48
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63 - Bluegrass Week  17:52
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64 - Special Guest Stars  41:27
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- Big Bands in Disneyland - Summer Concert Series -


Disneyland had a long standing tradition of hosting world famous swing bands at the Plaza Gardens, and by the 1970's this evolved into an ongoing Summer concert series known as "Big Bands in Disneyland." Such greats as Count Basie, Cab Calloway, Artie Shaw, Les Brown and Lionel Hampton were invited to participate, and starting in 1984 a special Disney Channel TV series televised many of these fabulous live music events.
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65 - Big Bands in Disneyland  02:36
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66 - The Glenn Miller Orchestra Directed by Dick Gerhart  45:29
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67 - The Count Basie Orchestra Featuring Joe Williams  50:53
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68 - Woody Herman & The Young Thundering Herd  49:57
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69 - The Cab Calloway Orchestra  48:41
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70 - Bob Crosby & The Bobcats Featuring Kay Starr  50:32
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71 - The Ray McKinley Orchestra Featuring Ella Mae Morse  53:11
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72 - The Jimmy Dorsey Orchestra with Lee Castle & Helen Forrest  50:24
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73 - The Artie Shaw Orchestra with Dick Johnson & Artie Shaw  32:28
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74 - Lionel Hampton & His Big Band  50:19
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75 - Les Brown & His Band of Renown Featuring Jo Ann Greer  51:19
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76 - Tommy Dorsey Orchestra with Buddy Morrow & Connie Haines  50:36
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77 - Buddy Rich & The Buddy Rich Orchestra  49:28
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- More Legends of Jazz in Disneyland -


Had the short-lived Disney Channel TV series, "Big Bands in Disneyland," continued beyond its 12 episodes, there is no doubt that the following bands would have also been represented. Each of these great orchestras, headed by legendary band leaders, were regularly featured in the park throughout the 70's and 80's, when the musical program was as diverse as jazz itself, including swing, Latin, modern, Dixieland and polka.
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78 - Big Band Festival - Special Guest Stars  55:33
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79 - Freddy Martin & His Orchestra  27:19
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80 - Doc Severensen and the Tonight Show Band  43:29
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81 - Neal Hefti and His Orchestra  31:59
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82 - Louie Bellson & The Big Band Explosion  58:51
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83 - Pete Fountain & His Orchestra  28:29
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84 - Maynard Ferguson  39:20
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85 - Mickey Finn's  32:03
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86 - Myron Floren & His Orchestra  29:44
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87 - Horace Heidt Jr. & His All-Star Big Band  27:19
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- Totally 80's After Dark -


The 80's were a totally awesome decade for Disneyland After Dark, when the line-up of musical performers read like a who's who of the music industry. Videopolis was the new hot spot for the MTV generation, a state-of-the art dance complex featuring live bands and TV monitors that displayed the latest music videos. Here high-energy dance parties were held nightly, and it soon became the center of the action for Grad Nite events.
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88 - Videopolis  06:11
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89 - Krash  25:21
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90 - Airplay  26:15
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91 - Polo  14:31
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92 - TranStar  36:33
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93 - Live on Stage - All-Star Performances  1:39:18
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94 - Disneyland Grad Nite  04:02
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95 - 1980's Grad Nite Party Part 1 - 1980-1984  1:49:53
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96 - 1980's Grad Nite Party Part 2 - 1985-1989  2:11:17
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97 - 1990's Grad Nite Party  1:38:15
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- Swing Bands in Disneyland -


The tradition of Big Bands in Disneyland carried on throughout the 90's, and well into the new millennium, reinvigorated by a new wave in the popularity of swing dancing that was sweeping the nation. Soon the youngsters, often referred to as "Swing Kids," were outnumbering the oldsters. The final dance at Plaza Gardens was on April 30th 2012, as work began to transform the area into the new Fantasy Faire Village.
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98 - Stanford Freese & the Disneyland Big Band  34:37
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99 - The Swing Kings  34:09
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100 - Doc Anello & The Swing Machine  39:38
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101 - Jump, Jive and Swing: Swingtown  39:44
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102 - Red & The Red Hots  1:08:22
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103 - Stompy Jones  58:35
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104 - Mickey's Mambo Club  1:04:26
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105 - Gary Tole & The Legends of Swing  47:20
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106 - Gordon Goodwin's Big Phat Band  1:17:47
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107 - Royal Ball: The Wise Guys  38:37
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108 - Royal Ball: Swing Cats Big Band  1:28:32
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109 - Royal Ball: Tim Gill All-Stars  55:58
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110 - Swing Machine  00:00
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---------- COMING SOON ----------
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- Tomorrowland Terrace -


Dancing at the elevating Tomorrowland Terrace bandstand is a long tradition that continues to this day. Although, musical styles have changed tremendously since this venue first opened in 1967, what has remained unchanged is its function as a showcase for local talent, with a rotating roster of regular performing musical groups, many of whom have gained a following among teen and young adult local guests.
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111 - Club Buzz - Sandbox  34:28
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112 - Club Buzz - The Jakes  27:43
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113 - The Aquabats  47:08
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114 - Aly and AJ  47:34
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115 - Steve Rushton  16:32
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116 - Soto Band  49:43
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117 - Hard Day's Night  58:22
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118 - 80z All-Stars  47:54
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119 - Barrage  46:09
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120 - Stellar Show Band  42:42
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121 - The Suffragettes  23:38
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122 - Instant Replay  30:16
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123 - Suburban Legends  43:43
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124 - Scot Bruce  25:43
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125 - The Bolts  41:16
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126 - Tomasina  32:37
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127 - Tomorrowland Terrace - Dueling DJs  1:04:15


In recent years, the focus on live local bands at the Tomorrowland Terrace has shifted more towards presenting rave like dance parties hosted my master mixologists. In the summer months, as well as for Grad Nite, New Year's Eve and other after hours special events, Disneyland hosts some of the most talented DJ's in Southern California.
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128 - Tomorrowland Terrace - Summer 2017  32:10


The nighttime entertainment at Tomorrowland Terrace went on a hiatus in 2015, but in the summer of 2017 the local bands made a highly anticipated comeback. Many fan favorites returned and ten new groups premiered, including Crimson Apple, Polyester Express, Undecided Future, Ride the Tide, Radio 70's and Grilled Cheese Soundwich.
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129 - Disneyland After Dark - Throwback Nite  18:41


In January of 2018, Disneyland began a new series of special after hours events called "Disneyland After Dark." Each of these events will have its own theme. The kick off was an evening of entertainment hearkening back to the parks nostalgic early years. There was a Polynesian troupe, a swing band, a riverboat crooner and a do-wop quartet.
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Special thanks to RocketRodsXPR for his many invaluable contributions to this page and to this site.
Special thanks to Scott Wolf at "WWW.MOUSECLUBHOUSE.COM" for providing the image for track 90,
and for providing interviews on his YouTube channel essential in doing research for this chapter.