he following tracks are on my wish list. There are no known sources presently in circulation for any of these tracks, but I am always on the look out and always hopeful that someday these tracks will become available for me to share with visitors to my site. If you happen to have access to any of this music and would like to share, I will give you a credit for your contribution at the bottom of the page where your track is placed. I am very strict about sound quality, and I am mostly looking for original source, studio quality recordings. Usually this means non-induction, meaning materials not recorded live, unless the induction is of superior sound quality. If you happen to have a better recording or an extended version of something I already have posted, I am always on the lookout for that as well. If you can think of anything important that should be added to this list that I have forgotten to include, or if you have any thoughts on possible audio or appropriate music that can be used as a representative place holder for any of the tracks below until more authentic audio can be located, please contact me at DCLyndon@gmail.com with all your ideas and suggestions.